Ocean LegaSEA Festival
To close out Shark Week, BeachFly Brewing Company is hosting several ocean, beach, and lagoon organizations for an educational and fundraising festival July 30 at its location on Barton Blvd in Rockledge. Organizations represented include Surfrider Foundation, Indian River Lagoon Coalition, The Aquarium Project, Sea Turtle Preservation Society, Atlantic Right Whale, Marine Resource Council, and Keep Brevard Beautiful. BeachFly Brewing Company will introduce two new beers to commemorate the occasion. The Ocean Lega-Sea Festival is on July 30, 2022 from 3 PM to 8 PM at 513 Barton Blvd in Rockledge.
The organizations will have with items for sale and educational materials. In addition, televisions inside the brewery will continually display educational information from the groups. Each organization also has the opportunity to do a live presentation concerning their cause during the festival. BeachFly Brewing Company will be selling beer in reusable stainless-steel cups with a portion going to the organizations. Musical entertainment, food trucks, and outdoor games will be provided.
- End Date: July 30, 2022