Goldfinch Treasures

Visual Arts


Email Member


Brevard County has been my home since 2010. After a 25 year pause from fine art endeavors, I began to experiment with new styles and media, relearn old techniques, and commenced work on a distinctive beach series, Brevard Beach Trash Art. On occasion, you might perceive a glimpse of my past in my art: Education (A.A. Fine Art and A.S. Horticulture); experience (contractor naval warfare support, landscape designer and consultant, crafter, artist, and renovator); and life’s surprises. A coming out exhibit for my trash art took place at the Melbourne Library in October 2012. Trash or natural items collected during beach walks, AKA beachcombing, are incorporated into a work. The assemblages can be whimsical, have a subtle environmental or political message, or just be an artistic display of found objects. Frames, when used, follow the Reduce-Recycle-Reuse philosophy, as most are purchased at local thrift shops or yard sales and repurposed.